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Expat Guide To Spain

Just a place to help Expats settle into this wonderful country!

Renovating an Old House in Spain
Friday, May 24, 2024

Embarking on the journey of purchasing and renovating an old house in Spain is both an exciting adventure and a unique investment opportunity. Rich in history, culture, and architectural wonders, Spain offers a picturesque setting that many dream of calling home. This guide aims to explore the multifaceted road to buying, revitalising, and savouring the essence of old Spanish homes. Whether you're seeking a new personal abode or an investment vessel, this guide is your ally through the intricacies of the Spanish property market, legal landscapes, and renovation endeavours.


Why Spain?

The Appeal of the Spanish Real Estate Market

Spain captivates with its warm climate, vibrant culture, and an inviting property market. Despite its developed economy, it boasts property prices significantly lower than many of its European counterparts. This discrepancy opens the doors wide for those harbouring renovation ambitions, be it for resale or rental purposes.

The Charm of Old Spanish Architecture

The allure of old Spanish houses – from rustic farmhouses to classic villas – lies in their unique aesthetics and historical significance. Renovating these gems not only allows you to imprint your personal aesthetic but also offers the chance to preserve a piece of Spanish history.

Navigating Legal Waters

Understanding Spanish Property Laws

Diving into the Spanish property market requires a firm grasp of the local laws. Prioritise verifying that the property is free from legal disputes, has access to essential amenities, and possesses all the necessary planning permissions to avoid unwelcome surprises down the road.

The Importance of a Local Property Lawyer

A local property lawyer becomes indispensable in this complex environment. They are your best bet in ensuring your interests are duly protected, guiding you through negotiations, property registration, and the intricacies of the sale deed with expertise.

Pre-purchase Considerations

Assessing the House Before Buying

Engaging a seasoned surveyor for a thorough property inspection is paramount. This step uncovers any lurking structural issues, dampness, or electrical faults, allowing you to realistically forecast your renovation budget.

Estimating Renovation Costs

For a clear picture of the renovation expenses, enlisting a construction expert's insights is advisable. Special attention is needed for historical properties which may necessitate specialised materials or craftsmanship, potentially elevating costs.



Financing Your Vision

Navigating Spanish Home Renovation Loans

Many Spanish banks provide mortgages tailored for home renovations. Undertake a diligent comparison of the offerings from various financial institutions to secure the most favourable terms.

Unveiling Renovation Grants

Spain's incentivisation of renovations, especially those enhancing energy efficiency, is manifested in the availability of grants. Exploring local and national schemes could unveil lucrative funding opportunities.

Building Your Dream Team

The Significance of a Professional Renovation Team

The transformation of your property requires a team that marries expertise with a deep respect for the building’s historical and architectural integrity. The vetting process should focus on aligning their vision with yours and their proven competence in handling old structures.

Selecting the Right Architect and Contractor

Dedicate time to finding professionals who not only share your vision but also have a track record of successfully navigating the challenges unique to old buildings.

The Renovation Journey

Embarking on Planning and Design

A thoughtful planning and design phase is crucial. Aim for a harmonious balance that celebrates the property’s past, showcases its best features, and seamlessly integrates modern living standards.

Securing Necessary Permissions

Navigating permissions is a step you cannot afford to overlook. Ensure all the required permits are in hand before commencing work, steering clear of potential legal woes.

Beyond Renovation: Sell or Rent?

Understanding the Spanish Property Market

Post-renovation, you're faced with the choice of selling or renting. The Spanish market’s dynamism and high demand for characterful, well-renovated homes can sway your decision based on your personal goals.

Collaborating with a Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent’s guidance can be invaluable in both scenarios, offering insights into local market trends and helping you set a competitive price.

The Broader Impact

Preserving Heritage and Community Revitalisation

Renovating an old house in Spain transcends profit. It’s an act of preserving the nation's architectural heritage, stimulating the local economy, and enhancing the community's visual and cultural tapestry.

Overcoming Challenges

Tackling Structural and Modernisation Issues

Prepare for the challenges inherent in old properties, such as structural integrity concerns and the need for modernisation. Experienced contractors can help navigate these issues, ensuring the house meets contemporary living standards without sacrificing its historical essence.

Insurance and Tax Considerations

Navigating insurance and tax implications thoughtfully is crucial. Seek insurers specialising in older properties and consult with tax advisors to understand the potential benefits and liabilities tied to your renovation project.

Living the Dream

The Unparalleled Experience of Living in a Renovated Spanish Home

Inhabiting a renovated old house in Spain is an immersive experience, offering a tangible connection to history and an exceptional lifestyle that blends tradition with modern comfort.

The journey of acquiring and rejuvenating an old house in Spain is laden with opportunities and challenges. With meticulous planning, a comprehension of the legal and financial terrain, and the collaboration of seasoned professionals, this venture can blossom into a rewarding endeavour. Beyond the allure of financial gain lies the profound satisfaction of preserving architectural history, contributing to the fabric of a community, and enjoying the unparalleled joy of Spanish living. The path to realising this dream is intricate but immensely gratifying, promising a unique and enriching adventure in one of the world's most beautiful countries. 

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Understanding the 'Padrón Municipal' in Spain
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Moving to Spain involves not only experiencing its rich culture and picturesque landscapes but also engaging with some necessary bureaucratic processes. One of the primary tasks for any expatriate residing is registering with the local town hall on the 'Padrón Municipal de Habitantes', more commonly known as the 'Padrón'. This document is crucial as it serves as a registration with your local council, confirming your residence within a particular municipality and linking you to a range of essential services and benefits.



What is the 'Padrón'?

The 'Padrón' is the local municipality's register, recording all residents within the area, akin to a local census. It is formally known as the 'Certificado de Empadronamiento'. The primary purpose of this registration is to acknowledge your residency and establish your address within the town or city. This record is vital as it helps the local government track population numbers and plan resource allocation accordingly.

Why is Registration Important?

1. Access to Services

Registration on the padrón is necessary to access several basic but essential services. For instance, it is required to apply for national health insurance, obtain residency status, acquire a driving license, and register to vote. The proof of registration, indicating that you are 'Empadronado', simplifies these processes significantly.

2. Voting and Community Benefits

Being on the padrón allows you to vote in local and European elections (for EU citizens) and access community services which may include social services benefits, elderly care programs, and local tax benefits like reduced property or council tax rates.

3. Statistical Representation

Your registration helps the town hall manage public administration more effectively. The population statistics derived from the padrón influence decisions on local resource allocation and development planning, directly impacting community facilities and services.

4. Educational and Municipal Services

For families with children, registration is necessary for school enrolments within the local education system. It also impacts other municipal services, shaping policies to better match the community's needs.

How to Register on the 'Padrón'

The registration process is generally straightforward but may vary slightly depending on your municipality:

  1. Documentation Required:

    • A valid identification document (passport, ID card, or residency card).

    • Proof of address, such as a rental agreement or property deed.

    • A recent utility bill (like electricity or water) confirming your address.

    • Your NIE number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is essential for non-Spanish residents.

  2. Registration Process:

    • Visit your local town hall or Citizen Attention Office, bringing all the required documents.

    • Some municipalities might require booking an appointment in advance (cita previa), which can usually be done via their official website.

  3. Cost and Duration:

    • The registration is typically free, although some documents might incur a small fee.

    • For EU expats, the padrón certificate does not expire but should be updated with any significant personal or address changes. For non-EU expats, it usually needs renewal every two years.

The padrón is more than just a bureaucratic formality; it is a gateway to integration and access to numerous services in Spain. The process ensures you are officially recognized within your local community, opening up an array of benefits and facilitating smoother transitions in various administrative and legal undertakings. Whether planning to stay short-term or settling down permanently, registering on the padrón should be one of your top priorities upon moving to Spain. This crucial step will assure you enjoy the full spectrum of services, rights, and benefits available to residents, making your Spanish living experience fulfilling and hassle-free

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How to Get a Clave PIN: A Step-by-Step Guide
Saturday, May 4, 2024

If you need to carry out procedures with the Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria), the Clave PIN system provides a secure and easy way to verify your identity online. Registering for a Cl@ve PIN is an essential step to access numerous services offered by public administrations in Spain. Here's how you can get your Clave PIN online with the option of using an invitation letter and a Secure Verification Code (CSV).

Step 1: Begin the Registration

Start by navigating to the official website of Agencia Tributaria. Locate and click on "Register in Cl@ve" on the portal. You can also use the APP Cl@ve on your smartphone, which will guide you through a similar process if you're not already registered.

Step 2: Provide Personal Identification

You will need to input either your DNI (Spanish National ID) or NIE (Foreigner Identification Number). Be sure to enter the details exactly as they appear on your document, with no spaces or hyphens. For DNI holders, include the validity date, and NIE holders must provide the support number from their assigned documentation.

Step 3: Request an Invitation Letter

After validating your identity, choose to continue registration without an electronic certificate. Opt for receiving an invitation letter at your fiscal address by clicking the button marked accordingly. This letter will contain your CSV.

Step 4: Complete Registration with CSV

Upon receiving the invitation letter (which can take some time to arrive by mail), you have 60 days to use the CSV provided. Revisit the "Register in Cl@ve" option on the website and enter your DNI/NIE and the validity/issue date or support number again. This time, select the option stating you have the invitation letter and enter the 16-character CSV when prompted.

Step 5: Input Contact Information

Fill in your mobile phone number and email address in the fields provided – these will be used for communication and sending the Clave PIN via SMS. If your mobile number is not a Spanish number, include the country code. If the mobile number is already associated with another DNI/NIE, follow the instructions to link it to your current ID.

Step 6: Finalize the Registration

Review the terms and conditions, accept them, and send your registration. You will be given a screen that displays your activation code and an option to view and print the PDF document, which is your registration receipt.

Step 7: Activate and Use Your Cl@ve PIN

With your Clave registration complete, you can now proceed to use it for various procedures. When accessing any procedure that allows identification via Clave, you can choose "Cl@ve Mobile (includes Cl@ve PIN)" and follow the instructions to either scan a QR code or enter your details to authenticate with the Cl@ve app or receive an SMS with your PIN.

Registration for Cl@ve using the CSV method results in a basic access level. For services that require an advanced level of access, you may need to complete your registration in person or by using an electronic certificate or DNIe.

For more detailed information, or if you encounter issues during your registration, consult the help links and additionally provided information on the official Clave registration portal here.

By following these steps, you'll be ready to use your Clave PIN for interacting with Spanish public administration services quickly and securely.

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Top Apps for Expats in Spain
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Relocating to a new country can be thrilling and, at times, overwhelming. For expats settling in Spain, having the right apps on your device is as crucial as packing your essentials. From getting connected to settling into a new neighborhood and learning the local language, here’s a round-up of must-have apps that can transform your Spanish adventure into a seamless experience.


Stay Connected: SIM Card Essentials

Starting your expat life in Spain means getting a means of communication. Prepaid SIM cards are accessible and can be obtained using only your passport or NIE if available. Consider these popular mobile providers to stay connected in Spain:

  • Movistar: Renowned for its excellent coverage and high-speed internet.

  • Orange: Known for a robust 3G network and emerging 5G coverage.

  • Vodafone: Offers great 3G and 4G coverage.

  • Yoigo: Noted for its competitive prices coupled with good coverage.

Remember to top-up your package online through providers’ websites or apps once your balance starts running low.

Home Sweet Home: Finding a Place to Stay

Hunting for the ideal place to live takes center stage upon arrival. Here are some apps and platforms to ease your search:

  • Airbnb: A perfect starting point for short-term stays, with potential discounts for long-term rentals.

  • Idealista: A leading real estate platform with listings all over Spain, available on iOS and Android.

  • Fotocasa: Another popular real estate website, also with iOS and Android apps.

Expats looking for accommodations can also explore platforms like, Habitaclia or, or for more options.

Navigating Spanish Cities: Transportation Apps

Getting around in Spain is made easy with these comprehensive transportation apps:

Catching a Ride: Taxi and Ride-Sharing Apps

To complement public transport or for those times you just need a direct ride, consider these apps:

Culinary Delights: Food and Delivery Apps

Satisfy your cravings with these on-demand food delivery services available at your fingertips:

For grocery deliveries, apps from stores like Mercadona, Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, and Alcampo can be particularly useful.

Socializing and Leisure: Apps for the Community and Food Enthusiasts

Blend into the social fabric and tantalize your taste buds with these community and dining apps:

  • TheFork: A treasure for food lovers to explore and reserve a spot in Spain’s best restaurants.

  • HappyCow: Perfect for vegans and vegetarians looking for animal-friendly restaurants.

Buy, Sell, and Discover: Bulletin Board Apps

  • Milanuncios: Spain’s popular classifieds platform for a plethora of needs.

  • Tablón de Anuncios: Find everything from jobs to services and second-hand items.

  • Wallapop: Thriving marketplace for pre-loved goods in Spain.

Learning the Local Lingo: Language Learning Apps

  • Memrise: Utilize science-backed memory techniques to master Spanish.

  • Babbel: Engage with expert-designed courses for learning Spanish on-the-go.

  • Google Translate or Deepl: Translate anything from street signs to letters.

  • Duolingo: Interactive app with gamified language learning.

Building a Network: Facebook Groups for Expats

Join these groups to meet fellow expats and exchange valuable advice:

  • Expats in Spain

  • Expats in Madrid

  • Barcelona Expats

  • Valencia Expats

  • International People in Malaga

  • Expats Seville

Search "Expats + [your city]" on Facebook to find a supportive community in your area.

Spain is a vibrant country that can be enjoyed to the fullest with a little digital help. Bookmark this article, refer to the recommended apps, and ease your transition into your exciting new life as an expat in Spain.

For continuous updates and support with your move to Spain, consider following relevant updates on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn - and always keep your digital toolkit updated with the latest apps!

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Spanish Language Survival Guide: Key Phrases for Daily Life
Thursday, February 29, 2024


Moving to a new country with a different language can be a daunting experience, especially for expatriates who need to quickly adapt to their new environment both personally and professionally. Spanish, being the second most spoken language in the world, opens up an array of cultures stretching from the rainforests of South America to the Iberian Peninsula's historic cities. Learning Spanish can seem like a mountainous challenge, but with the right approach and some essential phrases, you can make your daily interactions much more manageable. This guide will navigate you through some key Spanish phrases for daily life and provide language learning resources and tips for dealing with language barriers in a professional context.

Basic Spanish for Everyday Interactions

Greetings and Politeness

Your Spanish journey begins with pleasantries – the bread and butter of daily exchanges. Here are some common greetings and polite phrases:

  • Good morning: "Buenos días" (BWEH-nos DEE-as)

  • Good afternoon/evening: "Buenas tardes" (BWEH-nas TAR-des)

  • Good night: "Buenas noches" (BWEH-nas NO-chehs)

  • Hello/Hi: "Hola" (OH-lah)

  • Please: "Por favor" (por fa-VOR)

  • Thank you: "Gracias" (GRAH-see-as)

  • You're welcome: "De nada" (de NAH-dah)

  • Excuse me/Sorry: "Perdón" or "Lo siento" (per-DON/lo SYEN-to)

These basics help to establish a courteous interaction with anyone you meet. Remember, being polite is key in Hispanic cultures.

Shopping and Dining

When shopping or dining, you’ll need to understand and use some common expressions:

  • How much is it?: "¿Cuánto cuesta?" (KWAN-to KWES-ta)

  • The bill, please: "La cuenta, por favor" (lah KWEN-tah, por fa-VOR)

  • I would like...: "Quisiera..." (kee-SYER-ah)

  • Do you have...?: "¿Tiene...?" (tyen-eh)

  • I don’t understand: "No entiendo" (no en-TYEN-do)

  • Can you help me?: "¿Puede ayudarme?" (PWUE-deh ah-yu-DAR-me)

  • A table for two, please: "Una mesa para dos, por favor" (OO-nah ME-sah PAH-rah DOS, por fa-VOR)

Directions and Transportation

Getting around can be one of the more stressful aspects of navigating a new place. Some phrases to help you find your way:

  • Where is...?: "¿Dónde está...?" (DON-deh es-TAH)

  • How do I get to...?: "¿Cómo llego a...?" (KO-mo YEH-go a...)

  • I’m looking for...: "Estoy buscando..." (es-TOY bus-KAN-do)

  • Is it far?: "¿Está lejos?" (es-TAH LEH-hos)

  • Bus station: "Estación de autobuses" (es-ta-SYON de au-to-BU-ses)

  • Train station: "Estación de tren" (es-ta-SYON de tren)

  • The airport: "El aeropuerto" (el ah-eh-RO-pwer-to)

Handling Difficult Situations

Even with a few phrases under your belt, it’s normal to encounter misunderstandings:

  • I need help: "Necesito ayuda" (neh-SE-see-to ah-YOU-dah)

  • I’m lost: "Estoy perdido" (eh-STOY per-DEE-doh)

  • Call the police: "Llame a la policía" (YAH-meh a lah po-LEE-syah)

  • I need a doctor: "Necesito un médico" (neh-SE-see-to oon MEH-dee-coh)

Being prepared with these phrases can help you navigate the most stressful situations with a little more ease.



Language Learning Resources for Expats

As an expat, immersing yourself in the Spanish language is crucial. Here are several resources that can facilitate your learning:

Language Learning Apps

Mobile apps make language learning flexible and accessible. Popular ones include Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and Memrise. They offer varied learning styles, from gamified lessons to traditional coursework, catering to your personal preferences.

Online Spanish Courses

There is an abundance of online courses tailored for all levels. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and EdX offer courses created by universities and language experts. A structured course can be particularly helpful for understanding grammar and expanding vocabulary.

Language Exchange Meetups

Participating in language exchange meetups can offer practice with native speakers. Websites like or apps like Tandem can help you find language exchange groups in your area.

Spanish Media

Incorporate Spanish media into your daily life. Watching Spanish films, listening to Spanish music, or reading Spanish newspapers can enhance your understanding of the language and culture.

Navigating Language Barriers in Professional Settings

In professional settings, communication barriers can be challenging but also fruitful learning opportunities.

Preparing Key Phrases

Prepare phrases specific to your occupation or industry. It’s helpful to know technical terms and phrases that will appear frequently in your workplace.

Language Courses for Professionals

Language schools often offer courses designed for professionals in specific fields such as business, healthcare, or law. These tailored courses can help you quickly learn the vocabulary necessary for your professional interactions.

Utilising Language Services

Don’t shy away from using professional interpreting or translation services, especially for important meetings or document translations. It ensures clarity in communication and helps maintain professionalism.

Practice Makes Perfect

Engage in conversational practice with colleagues. They often appreciate the effort and may be willing to help you improve your language skills.

Starting life in a Spanish-speaking country as an expat can seem like a monumental task. Still, by learning key phrases for daily life and using the resources available, you can gradually build confidence in your language abilities. It is not simply about learning a language but about engaging with a rich and diverse culture. Remember, every conversation is a step towards fluency, and every mistake is a learning opportunity. Embrace the journey of learning Spanish; the rewards it brings are immeasurable, both personally and professionally. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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The Best Expat Communities in Spain: A Comprehensive Guide For The Newcomers
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Are you considering making a significant life move by becoming an expatriate in Spain? If so, you're in for a treat. Spain is a dream destination for many expats, offering a delightful blend of rich history, vibrant culture, inviting weather, and exquisite cuisine. As you prepare for this exciting chapter, we thought it would be helpful for you to familiarise yourself with the best expat communities across the country. Let's dive straight in.

Barcelona: Cosmopolitan and Cultural

Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is a melting pot of diverse cultures, where tradition and innovation collides harmoniously. This city is a canvas painted with Gaudi's masterpieces, cobblestone lanes, and stretches of sandy beaches.

Among expats, Barcelona is incredibly popular, boasting excellent infrastructure, and a plethora of dining, entertainment, and leisure activities. English is widely spoken, making it an attractive hub for international business, tech professionals, and students. Expats usually dwell in neighbourhoods such as Eixample, known for its modernist architecture, and Gracia, notable for its bohemian vibe.

Madrid: Diverse and Exciting

Spain’s capital, Madrid, is a cosmopolitan city rich in culture and entertainment. It's teeming with life, history, and an exceptional food scene. Its central setting makes it an excellent base to explore the rest of the country.

The city is home to a substantial expatriate community, concentrated in areas including Salamanca and Chamberi, both upscale districts with a high-quality lifestyle, and Lavapies, a multicultural and trendy neighbourhood popular among younger expats. It hosts several international schools and offers ample job opportunities, especially in finance and teaching English.

Valencia: Affordable and Tranquil

For those who prefer a slower pace of life, Valencia offers the perfect blend of city and beach life. As Spain's third-largest city, it provides much of what Barcelona and Madrid offer but at a more relaxed pace and with a lower cost of living.

Ruzafa, a hip and dynamic area, is a favourite amongst younger expats and digital nomads, while Ciutat Vella, the old town, offers more traditional living. Valencia is also a food lover's paradise, being the birthplace of paella. It's home to several international schools and a burgeoning startup scene.

Malaga: Sunny and Sociable

If your idea of Spain is sunny beaches and beautiful coastlines, Malaga should be on your radar. Situated on the Costa del Sol, it offers a fantastic climate, friendly locals, and a laid-back lifestyle.

Expat communities here are very well-established, with people from the UK, Germany, and Scandinavia constituting a significant chunk. Many expats choose to settle in the coastal areas like Benalmadena, Torremolinos, or the city's historic centre.

The Balearic Islands: Relaxing and Distinct

The Balearic Islands, comprising Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, and Formentera, offers a unique blend of Spanish and island life. Each island has a distinct personality, from the tranquillity of Formentera to the legendary nightlife of Ibiza.

There are established expat communities here, predominantly British and German. Opportunities for work can be seasonal but there's a growing market for remote work, especially in tech. Palma de Mallorca and Ibiza Town are expat favourites due to their international atmosphere, array of amenities, and local charm.

Each of these expat locations in Spain offers something unique, embracing expats with open arms. Whether you're looking for the bustle of a large city, the tranquillity of a beach town, or the relaxed pace of island life, Spain has an expat community for you. Whether you're envisioning a Catalan casita, a Madrileño mansion or a Valencian villa, your Spanish sojourn awaits. Time to dust off your Spanish phrasebook!

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Bringing Your Pets to Spain: A Guide for Expats
Saturday, January 6, 2024


As an expat planning to move to Spain or simply travelling with your beloved pet, it is crucial to be aware of the rules and regulations surrounding the importation of animals. This article provides an overview of the essentials, ensuring that you are well informed and prepared for the process of bringing your pet to Spain.

1. Introducing a pet from a Non-EU country

When importing a pet from a country outside the EU, make sure to enter Spain through one of the designated Entry Points. You will need to declare to the Civil Guard Fiscal Reserve that you are travelling with a pet and present the relevant documentation.

Required Documents

If your pet does not have a European passport for the movement of pets, the following documents must be provided:

  • Health Certificate: The certificate must be signed by an official veterinarian in the third country and presented in at least Spanish.
  • Declaration: This document must comply with the EU models.
  • Certified Copy of Identification and Vaccination Records: Make sure to include information about your pet's vaccinations (see the frequently asked questions for this topic).

Additional Requirements for Your Pet

Your pet must also meet the following criteria:

  • Be identified with a microchip or tattoo (if done before July 3, 2011);
  • Be vaccinated against rabies with a valid vaccine at the time of travel;
  • If originating from a non-listed country in Annex II of Regulation (UE) 577/2013, your pet should undergo a serological test for rabies in an authorized laboratory.

2. Traveling to Spain from an EU country

For expats moving their pet dog, cat, or ferret to Spain from another EU country, the following requirements must be met:

  • The pet must be identified with a microchip or tattoo (if done before July 3, 2011, and still readable);
  • The pet must be vaccinated against rabies with a valid vaccine at the time of travel and the vaccination information included in the animal's passport;
  • The pet must have a European passport for the movement of pets, with the "Owner," "Description of the Animal," "Marking," "Issuance of Passport," and "Rabies Vaccination" sections completed.

It is important to note that specific requirements for Serological Tests, Treatment against ticks, Treatment against Equinococcus, Other vaccinations, Clinical examination, Legalization, and others are not mandatory for movements from other EU Member States to Spain.

Keep in mind that no exceptions can be made for dogs, cats, or ferrets under 15 weeks of age without a valid rabies vaccination. The minimum age for vaccination is 12 weeks, and at least 21 days must pass from the inoculation for the vaccine to be considered valid.

3. Companion Animal Displacement

A 'pet' displacement is considered when:

  • No more than five animals are involved in the transfer;
  • The animals are not intended for commercial purposes or transferring ownership;
  • The animals travel accompanied by their owner or a responsible person on their behalf. The pets' movement can be separate from the owner's transportation as long as it occurs within five days of the owner's movement.

If your pet's movement does not fulfill the companion animal requirements, it is then considered a commercial movement. In this case, you need to follow the guidelines set out for commercial movements between EU countries or commercial movements from third countries.

Whether you are relocating to Spain or visiting with your pet, it is important to comply with these rules to ensure a smooth and stress-free process. By understanding these regulations and preparing the necessary documentation, you can enjoy your adjustment to life in Spain with your furry friend by your side.

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