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The Remarkable Recovery of the Iberian Lynx: A Conservation Triumph
Friday, May 24, 2024


In a world often barraged with grim news on the environmental front, the story of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) emerges as a beacon of hope, illustrating the power of dedicated conservation efforts. Once teetering on the brink of extinction, this enigmatic creature has astoundingly doubled its population over a mere span of three years, achieving an impressive milestone by reaching 2,021 individuals in 2023. This achievement is not just a number; it represents a significant turnaround for a species that was grappling with the imminent threat of disappearing forever.


A closer examination of the figures reveals a population composed of 1,299 adults or subadults alongside 722 cubs, showcasing a burgeoning population that is gradually gaining ground towards sustainable recovery. However, it's crucial to appreciate that despite these encouraging signs, the Iberian lynx is not out of the woods yet. The species remains at risk, with the current breeding female count standing at 406, notably short of the 750 needed to secure a favourable conservation status.

The Vital Role of Captive Breeding Centres

The resurgence of the Iberian lynx can be significantly attributed to the pivotal role played by captive breeding centres across Spain. Between 2011 and 2023, these centres have reintroduced 372 lynxes back into the wild, providing a critical boost to the species’ population numbers. These centres have not only aided in the recovery of the lynx but have also facilitated the expansion of their habitat. In the last year alone, reproduction was verified in 14 population centers, marking the presence of the lynx in new territories, including the Spanish region of Murcia and the provinces of Albacete, Badajoz, Toledo, and Ciudad Real.

The majority of the Iberian lynx population, 85% to be precise, resides in Spain, with the remainder found in Portugal. This distribution underscores a concentrated effort across these regions, particularly in Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, and Murcia, to revive the lynx’s numbers and ensure their continued survival.



A Journey from the Brink

The revival of the Iberian lynx is a narrative of resurgence. In 2002, the species was at a critical juncture with a mere 94 individuals remaining, primarily in Andalusia. The intervention through captive breeding programs, significantly supported by European investment, has been instrumental in altering the fate of the lynx. The species’ threat level adjustment in 2015 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) from "critically endangered" to "endangered" underscores the effectiveness of these conservation efforts.

Moreover, the lynx’s increasing population has led to sightings in closer proximity to human habitations, exemplified by an intriguing incident in late March when a rancher discovered four lynx cubs nestled within his haystack in Menasalbas, a municipality in Toledo.

Challenges Remain

Despite the positive trajectory, challenges linger. The aspiration to augment the number of breeding females necessitates the creation of additional territories for the lynx, pointing towards the need for sustained and focused conservation strategies.



Moreover, the conservation journey of the Iberian lynx is not immune to setbacks. The species still grapples with threats, notably from road accidents resulting in a significant number of fatalities and the shadow of poaching which continues to be a concern. The reliance of the lynx’s diet on rabbits, a population severely impacted by a deadly hemorrhagic disease, adds another layer of complexity to the conservation effort, indicating the intricate balance required to sustain this recovery.


The Path Forward

The comeback of the Iberian lynx is a testament to the resilience of nature when supported by committed conservation efforts. It highlights the intricate dance between human intervention and the natural predilections of a species fighting for its place in the ecosystem. As we forge ahead, the story of the lynx serves not only as a reminder of what has been achieved but also of the considerable journey that lies ahead. Maintaining this positive trajectory necessitates a continued commitment to habitat preservation, the mitigation of human-induced threats, and the fostering of environments where this magnificent creature can thrive.

The tale of the Iberian lynx is not just about numbers; it's a narrative woven with hope, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of a future where humans and wildlife coexist in harmony. It's a clarion call for environmental stewardship, urging us to heed the lessons learned and apply them across the global conservation canvas. 

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El Escorial: Spain's Majestic Renaissance Complex
Friday, May 17, 2024

Nestled in the scenic foothills of the Sierra de Guadarrama, El Escorial stands as a monumental tribute to Spain’s rich historical and cultural legacy. Constructed between 1563 and 1584, during the reign of King Philip II, this vast complex captures the essence of Spanish power and religious zeal during the Renaissance. Often considered the 'Eighth Wonder of the World', El Escorial harmonises architectural magnificence with historical significance, offering an enduring glimpse into Spain's imperial past.


Architectural Grandeur and Symbolism

El Escorial is not only significant due to its scale but also because of its symbolic complexity and architectural innovation. The entire structure spans an area of over 33,000 square meters, embodying the Renaissance spirit of symmetry, order, and control. Conceived by King Philip II, the project was realised by architects Juan Bautista de Toledo and his apprentice Juan de Herrera. Together, they designed a building that was not just a royal palace but a monastery, basilica, pantheon, library, museum, university, school, and hospital—each element an integral part of Philip II's vision of a self-contained scholarly and spiritual realm.

Strikingly, El Escorial's floor plan is based on the descriptions of Solomon’s Temple as recounted by the Judeo-Roman historian Flavius Josephus—one of the reasons why it is often likened to the 'Eighth Wonder of the World'. The layout comprises a gridiron plan, symbolically commemorating St. Lawrence, who was said to be martyred on a grill. The martyr’s feast day coincides with the victorious Battle of St. Quentin, which the complex also commemorates. This deep intertwining of personal piety, royal ambition, and celestial symbolism stands as a cornerstone of El Escorial's claim to wonder.



A Centre for Spiritual and Temporal Power

El Escorial served two primary functions — it was both a royal palace and a Hieronymite monastery, now a monastery of the Order of Saint Augustine. This dual nature was highly symbolic, representing a merge of celestial and earthly governance. King Philip II was the only monarch who lived in the main building, underscoring the site's unique role as a personal retreat and administrative centre. The presence of a religious community alongside the royal household emphasised the deep intertwining of the Spanish crown with Catholic religious authority.

Artistic and Cultural Treasury

Beyond its architectural and symbolic significance, El Escorial is a repository of art and culture. It houses a wealth of masterworks from some of the most renowned artists of the age, including Titian, Tintoretto, El Greco, and Velázquez. The library alone contains thousands of priceless manuscripts, highlighting Philip II's dedication to scholarship and learning. This commitment to collecting and preserving knowledge underscores El Escorial’s standing as a Renaissance hub, merging the religious with the intellectual.



The Final Resting Place of Kings

The Royal Pantheon, situated beneath the royal chapel of the Basilica, serves as the burial site for the kings of Spain. This octagonal Baroque crypt houses the remains of most Spanish monarchs since Charles I, exemplifying El Escorial’s enduring role as a necropolis for the Spanish royal family. The presence of these tombs further cements El Escorial's function as a site of national memory and veneration, intertwining the spiritual with the dynastic.

Why is it Considered the Eighth Wonder?

What distinguishes El Escorial and elevates it to the status of an unofficial 'Eighth Wonder of the World' is not just its grand scale or artistic treasures, but its embodiment of an era’s highest ideals. It represents a time when architectural complexity was harnessed to serve both spiritual devotion and regal ambition. The seamless integration of a palace, monastery, and mausoleum in one coherent structure, all constructed within 21 years, is an achievement that resonates with the notion of architectural and cultural wonder.

Also noteworthy is its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1984, recognising its outstanding universal value. Its austere yet grandiose styling, monumental scale, and historic significance draw tourists and admirers from around the world, all eager to witness a cornerstone of Spanish heritage.

El Escorial remains one of the most comprehensive and ambitious architectural projects of the Renaissance, reflecting the apex of Spanish power and piety. Its designation as the 'Eighth Wonder of the World' is a testament to its indelible impact on history and culture, a monumental legacy of Spain's illustrious past

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Spanish Property Viewing Trip and How to Prepare for It
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Investing in property abroad can be an exciting yet daunting prospect. Spain, with its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and favourable climate, continues to be a magnet for property investors and holiday home seekers alike. Whether you're eyeing a sun-drenched beach house, a rustic villa, or a modern apartment in a bustling city, travelling to Spain to view properties offers invaluable insights that online browsing can't match. Here's why you should consider booking a Spanish property viewing trip, and some practical advice on how to prepare for it.



The Benefits of a Viewing Trip

1. Real Feel of Various Locations

Photos and video tours are useful, but they can't replace the experience of actually being in a location. A property viewing trip allows you to immerse yourself in the environment. You can experience the local community, explore the amenities, and get a true sense of the neighbourhood's atmosphere. Such firsthand experiences can significantly influence your decision-making process.

2. Value Assessments Made Easier

Seeing a property in person allows you to assess its true value based on its condition, location, and the quality of its surroundings. During a viewing trip, you can inspect multiple properties, compare them realistically, and gauge if they meet your expectations and budget. This hands-on approach reduces the risk of unpleasant surprises.

3. Expert Insights on Tap

A viewing trip often includes meetings with local real estate experts. This can be an invaluable resource, offering access to local knowledge and expertise that might not be available online. Estate agents can provide insights into the local property market, legal considerations, potential ROI (Return on Investment), and other nuances of buying property in Spain.

4. Time-Efficient House Hunting

Condensed into several days, viewing trips are intensive and focused, allowing you to visit numerous properties and possibly settle on a choice quickly. This can be much more efficient compared to multiple short visits or long, drawn-out decision processes from afar.

5. Emotional Connection

Finally, there's the emotional aspect. Purchasing a property is not just a financial investment; it’s often an emotional one. Visiting a property allows you to connect with it emotionally, envisaging your life unfolding within its walls. This gut feeling can be pivotal in the decision-making process.



Preparing for Your Spanish Property Viewing Trip

1. Research and Planning

Before you book your flight, dedicate time to thorough research. Identify the regions or towns that appeal to you and consider factors like climate, accessibility, local amenities, and the expat community presence. Websites, expat forums, and property portals can offer valuable information that helps narrow down your choices.

Action Steps:

  • List your property needs and preferences (size, type, proximity to amenities).

  • Choose potential areas that match your lifestyle and budget.

  • Find reputable local estate agents with good reviews and reach out to them.

2. Set Up Appointments

Coordination is key. Contact estate agents and arrange property viewings in advance. A well-structured itinerary helps maximise your time on the ground. Consider leaving some slots open for revisit requests or unexpected finds.

Action Steps:

  • Send your property criteria to agents before the trip.

  • Schedule viewings and confirm appointments a week beforehand.

  • Plan for transportation – hire a car if needed for more control over your schedule.

3. Financial Preparation

Understanding your budget and how it translates into the Spanish property market is crucial. Pre-arrange your finances, and consider speaking to a financial adviser who specialises in overseas property purchases. Know your upper limit, and explore mortgage options if necessary.

Action Steps:

  • Get a financial health check and secure a mortgage ‘in principle’ if needed.

  • Understand the exchange rates and set up a foreign exchange (Forex) account to get the best rates.

  • Calculate additional costs like taxes, fees, and potential renovation expenses.

4. Legal Considerations

The legal aspects of buying property in Spain can be complex, especially regarding non-residents. Hiring a local solicitor, independent of the estate agent, is advisable. They can handle legal checks, negotiate contracts, and ensure that your transaction complies with Spanish laws.

Action Steps:

  • Research and hire a reputable English-speaking solicitor in Spain.

  • Understand the basic legal requirements and processes for buying property in Spain.

  • Prepare necessary documents, such as your passport and NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero), which is required for all property purchases by foreigners in Spain.

5. Practicalities and Logistics

Organise your travel details for a smooth trip. Book flights and accommodations, and consider travel insurance. Check the climate of the area during your visit so you can pack appropriately.

Action Steps:

  • Book flights and accommodation, considering proximity to the areas you'll be visiting.

  • Pack essentials, including comfortable walking shoes, maps, and a notepad for taking notes.

  • Plan for contingencies – keep contacts of your estate agent and solicitor handy.

Embrace the Adventure

Every property search is a journey, and a viewing trip is an integral part of this adventure. While the focus is surely on business – finding that dream Spanish home – allow yourself some time to soak in the local culture, cuisine, and sights. Enjoying the process can provide additional clarity and confidence in your decision to invest in Spanish real estate.

By preparing adequately and embracing the experience wholeheartedly, your Spanish property viewing trip could very well be the first step towards a rewarding new chapter in your life.

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Understanding the Legalities of Home Surveillance in Spain
Thursday, April 25, 2024

In an era where security cameras are becoming increasingly affordable and accessible, homeowners in Spain are seeking to leverage video surveillance technology to protect their properties. The question arises, though, can one legally place cameras on the exterior of a residence without running afoul of privacy laws or neighbourly disputes? 



The Legality of Exterior Cameras: A Delicate Balance

Spanish homeowners may feel the need to install surveillance for various reasons, primarily security. However, the legality of positioning cameras on a building's façade is nuanced, particularly when the property is part of a multi-unit dwelling such as flats or residential estates. Here, the individual's right to security intersects with the right to privacy, creating a legal tightrope that must be carefully walked.

For single-family homes, the law is more permissive. Owners can usually set up cameras on their property's façade without much legal restriction since any recorded individual could potentially be an intruder. This changes significantly for multifamily buildings. Here, installing surveillance cameras that capture shared spaces like corridors, courtyards, or parking lots necessitates consent from the community of owners.

Even with consent, there are clear boundaries. Cameras must not record public spaces or the street, save for the area immediately adjacent to a building's entrance. This is critical to uphold both the privacy of neighbours and adherence to the law.

Compliance with Regulations: Requirements for Home Surveillance

In compliance with data protection regulations in Spain, homeowners who wish to install video surveillance must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Notification via Signage: Clear posting of signs indicating the presence of video surveillance is mandatory.

  • Limited Data Collection: The scope of the recording should be strictly what is necessary for the intended security purpose.

  • Access Rights: People captured by the cameras have the right to access the recordings they are in.

  • Secure Storage: Recorded images must be stored securely and access to them should be limited to authorized personnel only.

  • Restricted Public Recording: Continuous, unrestricted recording of public roads is prohibited.

Additional measures, such as strategic camera placement and restrictive recording angles, must be employed to focus only on relevant property areas and avoid overlooking public or neighbouring private spaces.

Front Door Surveillance and Implications

When it comes to front door cameras that solely capture footage of one's entrance without encroaching on common areas or public roads, the rules are more relaxed. However, notification to the community, as well as posting signage, is still advisable to prevent any possible disputes.

The Consequences of Non-Compliance

Ignorance or disregard for these regulations can result in significant penalties. Depending on the severity, legal consequences may include fines by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), mandated deletion of unlawfully captured images, prohibition of future camera installations, and even civil liability for privacy infringement.

Tips for Choosing Cameras for Home Surveillance

For those wondering where to purchase such cameras, Amazon offers a variety of surveillance cameras, including the reputable brand TP-Link. Affordable options, such as the Tapo models listed for around €21.99, offer key features necessary for compliant home surveillance.

The adoption of video surveillance at home in Spain necessitates a delicate balance between personal security and privacy rights. Both homeowners and residents must navigate these requirements with care and consider the communal implications of their security measures. As surveillance technology continues to evolve and integrate into our daily lives, awareness and understanding of such legal frameworks become ever more important for avoiding conflicts and ensuring both security and privacy are maintained.

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The Most Dangerous Scorpion in Spain
Friday, April 19, 2024

There's an intoxicating thrill to encountering the local wildlife whilst venturing the ever-enchanting landscape of Spain. However, within the diverse ecology of this beautiful country, there are a few less-than-friendly inhabitants. The most dangerous of this group? Buthus ibericus, commonly known as the Iberian scorpion.

The Buthus ibericus, or Iberian scorpion's, common locale might surprise you. This particular scorpion species isn't found skulking in remote wilderness or barren scrublands. Contrarily, it's quite associated with human settlements.

Among its favoured habitats are peridomestic areas, meaning environments around human homes and settlements. Rocky walls, fallen logs, leaf litter, or urban waste are common places to find an Iberian scorpion. These creatures are nocturnal and remain hidden during the daylight hours, sneaking out in the cooler evenings to hunt for food.

This species is found mainly in the Iberian Peninsula, hence the moniker, which includes most of Spain and Portugal. Central and Southern Spain are the hotspots for their presence, with a particular prevalence in the Spanish regions of Madrid, Andalusia, and Catalonia. These arachnids are also known to have populations in parts of France, Morocco, and Algeria.



How To Recognise It

The Iberian scorpion is usually 5-6cm in length, possesses a rather menacing appearance typical of a scorpion, with its pincers and tell-tale stinger-tipped tail arching over its back. It is typically a yellowish-brown or orange in colour. The immature scorpions are smaller, usually only around 3-4cm in length and might exhibit a slightly paler colouration.

Another distinctive factor is the presence of dark spots on the mesosoma, which gives the creature a flecked appearance. Additionally, compared to other scorpion species, the Iberian scorpion has remarkably slender pedipalps (the pincer-bearing limbs) and a slightly elongated and slender metasoma (the tail). Remember, though, while identification is important, all scorpions should be treated with caution.



Threat Level: How Lethal Is It?

Scorpions have spells of fear cast over them due to their venomous sting. But how much should we fear the Iberian scorpion, particularly? The Iberian scorpion does pack a venomous sting, and it does use it to immobilise its prey, and as a defence mechanism when threatened. Its venom is a mix of peptides and proteins, some of which could potentially be harmful to humans.

However, its lethality is somewhat exaggerated. Cases of fatality caused by the Iberian scorpion sting are extremely rare. A sting from this scorpion species is undoubtedly a painful experience, often described to be somewhat akin to a wasp sting. The effects are typically localised, causing swelling, redness, and intense pain lasting for a few hours.

Systemic effects, such as fever, nausea, muscle cramps, and in rare cases, more serious symptoms like tachycardia, hyperglycemia, or hypertension, can occur. However, these are not typically life-threatening. Vulnerable individuals — the elderly, young children, or those with pre-existing health conditions, may be more severely affected. It's always necessary to seek medical attention promptly if stung.

To give a bit of perspective, out of the estimated 2,000 scorpion species worldwide, only 30-40 have venom potent enough to kill a human. Most scorpions, including the Iberian scorpion, come nowhere near this lethal benchmark.

In the grand scheme of things, the chances of encountering an Iberian scorpion in Spain are slim, and the possibility of being fatally harmed by one, is slimmer still. However, knowledge and preparedness are always beneficial tools when venturing into any wildlife habitat. By knowing where the Iberian scorpion dwells, how to recognise it, and understanding the actual threat it poses, you'll be better equipped to appreciate the diverse wildlife of Spain safely.

Remember, respect for all wildlife and their habitat — even our unassuming Iberian scorpion — is essential. After all, they're part of the rich tapestry of Spain's ecological landscape that makes it such a vibrant, intriguing region to explore. So, tread lightly, explore respectfully, and enjoy the wild side of Spain!

This tiny but menacing inhabitant of the Iberian Peninsula provides just a hint of danger to heighten the adventurous spirit in you!

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"Decoding Myths: Unmasking the 'Dangerous' Lammergeier of Spain"
Friday, April 12, 2024

Spain, a country known for its diverse landscapes and rich wildlife, hosts an array of bird species, from the whimsical wren to the majestic eagles. However, amidst this diversity lies a bird often shrouded in mystery and sometimes fear: the Lammergeier, also known as the Bearded Vulture.

The Lammergeier, or Gypaetus barbatus, is a bird of prey that belongs to the Old World vulture family. With its fearsome appearance and diet consisting largely of bones, the Lammergeier's name across various cultures reflects its intense repute. In Germany, it's known as the "Lammergeier," suggesting a force powerful enough to carry off lambs or even adult sheep. The Spanish name, "Quebrantahuesos," plainly translates to "bone-breaker," illustrating the bird's method of smashing bones to reach the marrow inside. Even in Crete, the moniker "bone-eater" paints a vivid picture of its dietary preferences. The original name, "ossifrage," hews closely to the same theme.

Found primarily in mountainous regions, the Lammergeier thrives at lofty elevations from the Atlas Mountains in North Africa to the Himalayas in Asia, with a significant presence in the Pyrenees, Alps, and Caucasus of Europe. Spain's Pyrenees are home to an important population of these awe-inspiring birds, where they expertly navigate the air currents above the rugged environment.

The Diet of the Lammergeier

Unlike most birds of prey, the Lammergeier has a diet peculiarly rich in skeletal matter, consuming up to 70% bones. This marrow-munching raptor's method of breaking open bones by dropping them from heights stands as a unique trait, deeply embedding the species into local lore and legend.



Conservation Status

While the Lammergeier may carry an imposing demeanour, this bird has been misunderstood and maligned as a livestock plunderer, leading to endangerment through human actions. Ongoing conservation initiatives have been crucial in protecting this species. Currently categorized as 'Least Concern' by the IUCN, the European populations remain low, necessitating continued vigilance.



Many legends portray the Lammergeier as a formidable predator, capable of carrying away young animals and even posing a threat to children. Nevertheless, these stories are greatly exaggerated. The Lammergeier is largely a benign scavenger, playing a critical role in the ecosystem by disposing of animal remains, which helps in controlling diseases.

Despite its image as Spain's most dangerous bird, the Lammergeier is in truth, more a magnificent enigma than an actual risk to humans or livestock. Its ecological significance combined with its incredible flight acumen renders it an enthralling focus of study and conservation. Spain's continued efforts to safeguard the Lammergeier underscore the need to demystify this avian wonder for the greater benefit of biodiversity preservation

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Can I Afford to Live in Spain in 2024?
Saturday, January 13, 2024

If you're planning a significant change in lifestyle by moving to Spain, one of the most crucial questions you'll have is - Can I afford it? Below, we'll discuss the projected costs of living in Spain in 2024 across categories like accommodation, leisure, travel, food, utility, and health.

1. Average Cost of Living

Spain is generally less expensive than other Western European countries. In the calculation of the cost of living, we include everything from rent, food, leisure, and health insurance, to name a few.

According to the Numbeo cost of living index for 2023, Spain ranked 38th out of 139 countries with an index cost of living of 54.09 (New York 100). If we assume a moderate rate of inflation and economic growth, the average monthly cost of living in Spain in 2024 would be around €1,500 - €2,500 for a single person.

2. Accommodation: Flats and Houses

Rent is usually the largest single expense in a budget. Rental prices vary depending on the area, with larger cities and coastal areas being more expensive.

According to data from the Spanish property portal, Idealista, the average rent in Spain in 2023 was €790. Nevertheless, in cities like Madrid or Barcelona, you could expect to pay around €1,200 for a decent one-bedroom apartment in the city centre. Assuming a 3-5% increase per year due to inflation, rental costs in 2024 would averagely cost between €815 and €1,260 per month.

3. Leisure Costs

Spain is famous for its rich culture and leisure activities. A movie ticket costs around €9, and a dinner for two at a mid-range restaurant will cost you around €40. A monthly gym membership is about €40. Given that inflation rate, we could expect a slight increase in these prices in 2024.

4. Travel Costs

Public transportation is efficient and reasonably priced in Spain. A monthly pass costs around €50-60 currently. Petrol costs approximately €1.2/liter. A domestic flight is between €50 and €200. These costs will likely see a slight increase in 2024.

5. Food Costs

Food prices can vary significantly depending on your lifestyle and where you shop. On average, a person might spend anywhere from €200-€400 a month on groceries. Dining out at affordable restaurants can still cost you around €10-€15 per meal.

6. Utility Costs

The cost of utilities - including electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage - for a 915 square-foot apartment can cost around €150 per month. Internet costs around €30-€50 monthly. Again, these costs may see a slight increase in 2024.

7. Health Costs

Spain's public healthcare system is excellent and free to residents who contribute to social security except for small co-payments for prescriptions. Private healthcare costs can be around €50-€200 per month depending on the coverage and individuals' requirements.

To sum up, while Spain might be more affordable compared to other Western European countries, moving there demands thorough financial planning. Always consider exchange rates, inflation, and your lifestyle habits when determining if you can afford to live in Spain.

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2024 Work Calendar for Spain: 12 Holidays with Nine Common Festivities
Saturday, January 6, 2024

In 2024, Spain's work calendar consists of 12 holidays, with nine of them celebrated throughout the country. The number of common holidays remains the same as the previous year, as stated in a resolution of the Department of Labour published in the Official State Gazette.

Apart from these 12 holidays, two regional holidays are also observed.

The following holidays will be celebrated nationwide in 2024:

1 January (Monday): New Year's Day
6 January (Saturday): Epiphany of the Lord
29 March (Friday): Good Friday
1 May (Wednesday): Labour Day
15 August (Thursday): Assumption of the Virgin
12 October (Saturday): National Day of Spain
1 November (Friday): All Saints' Day
6 December (Friday): Spanish Constitution Day
25 December (Wednesday): Christmas Day

Regions have the option to move some common holidays to other days. For example, Holy Thursday (28 March) will be a holiday in all regions except for the Valencian region and Catalonia. All regions will celebrate Three Kings Day (6 January) on the usual day.

Regions can also designate a holiday on the Monday following national holidays falling on a Sunday. For instance, the Andalusian, Aragon, Asturias, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Murcia, and Melilla regions will observe a holiday on 9 December (Monday following the Immaculate Conception).

Several three-day weekends are expected in 2024, as some holidays fall on a Monday or Friday. These include 1 January, 1 November, and 6 December. Some regions will also have longer "puentes" (bridges), such as the four-day break around Holy Thursday (28 March). In five regions (Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Navarra, Basque Country, and La Rioja), a five-day "puente" will occur due to a holiday on Easter Monday (1 April).

Catalonia and the Valencian region have established an additional recoverable paid holiday. Workers enjoying this holiday will need to compensate by working extra hours. In the Valencian region, the recoverable paid holiday is set for Monday, 24 June (San Juan), while Catalonia must choose between 6 January, 1 April, 24 June, and 26 December (San Esteban).

Each region in Spain has its specific list of holidays, including regional and local celebrations.

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Jerez de la Frontera: The Underrated Gem of Spain
Saturday, December 16, 2023


Jerez de la Frontera, a small city nestled in the south of Spain, is a treasure trove of cultural vibrancy and historical richness. Despite being undervalued as a tourist destination, it sees around 115,782 international and 199,941 Spanish tourists annually, compared to the more popular Cadiz, which reels in over three million visitors a year. Yet Jerez is an enchanting city that embodies the quintessential Spanish experience.

With an enticing mix of world-renowned wine and the rhythmic cadence of flamenco, Jerez's charm lies within its cobblestone streets, sherry-laden taverns, and historic palaces. Instead of chasing popular tourist traps, visitors to Jerez are advised to immerse themselves in the experiences offered simply by strolling along the streets.

Recognised as the capital of Andalucian horse culture, Jerez is the starting point of the renowned Sherry Triangle. The city presents a balance of tradition and modernity, where world-leading fashion brands are housed in centuries-old palaces and vibrant sherry taverns are pulsating with a mix of contemporary and conventional patrons.

The Enduring Echoes of History

The city’s diverse religious history is reflected in its architecture. Monumental buildings such as the resplendent local cathedral and a 12th-century Mosque inside a fortified Alcazar—a relic from the city’s Islamic past—offer a rich history lesson. The Alcazar, dating back to the 11th century, is Jerez's oldest surviving structure and houses the last remaining mosque of the original 18 scattered around the city.



The World of Wine

One of Jerez's principal draws is undoubtedly its viniculture. The city has long been a global cradle of wine, with sherry making up a substantial segment of Jerez's export economy since the 19th century. The city's wineries fall within the Jerez-Xérèz-Sherry denominaciones de origen (DO), the Spanish equivalent of France's Appellation d'Origine Controlée (AOC) for wine regions.



Visitors can savour the rich flavours of Jerez in traditional 'tabancos,' local taverns purveying a plethora of local wines, and explore the city’s wine heritage through various wine shops and the city's wine museum.

A Haven for Thrill Seekers

Jerez also plays host to adrenaline-infused events, such as the Motorcycle Grand Prix, held annually at the Circuito de Jerez since 1987. This event attracts motorbikers

ro m all around the world and is one of Europe's most-watched motor racing events.

Embracing Equestrian Excellence

The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation in Jerez is acclaimed globally for its "How the Andalusian Horses Dance" show, a stunning exhibition of horsemanship. This highly recommended stop captivates visitors through the beauty and dexterity of well-trained horses.

Jerez de la Frontera: A city unmarred by excessive tourism and teeming with Spanish culture and history, offers a truly unique travelling experience. This underrated beautiful city surely deserves a spot on every intrepid traveller’s bucket list.

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Four things you need to know about Cava
Friday, December 8, 2023

In both outdoor activities, relaxed summer afternoons and of course, at Christmas, I always find myself picking up a few bottles of Cava to enjoy with company. Cava's approachable acidity and lovely fruity flavours offer great value buys for happy hours and fun occasions!

Cava, like Champagne in France, is made with the Traditional Method of sparkling wine production, however, it can not be called "Champagne". The law prohibits using the term Champagne for sparkling wines outside of the Champagne region in France. While most people are used to calling sparkling wines "champagne", the proper name for all sparkling wines other than Champagne thus is "sparkling wine".


1. Cava Winemaking Method:

The bubbles or sparkles are produced during the Second Fermentation. In the Traditional Method of sparkling winemaking, the Second Fermentation does not take place in the pressure tank but instead occurs in the bottle, the same bottle to be sold eventually.


2. Cava Wine Regions:

In Spain, Cava is produced in DO* Cava, which includes five regions. The grapes for Cava are Macabeo (or called Viura in Rioja), Xarel-lo and Parellada. Some producers now have a proportion of Chardonnay (one of the traditional grapes for Champagne) for its flavours that are familiar to international wine consumers.

*DO, Denominación de Origen, a Spanish quality wine classification.


3. Flavours and Styles of Cava:

Cava is required to age for at least 9 months in the bottle. Such ageing time gives Cava the flavours of the pleasantly yeasty, green apple, cherry, berry, peach, and occasionally almond nut. Its clean finish with mellow acidity is always refreshing and friendly. There are quite a few different styles of Cava. Some are best to pair with appetizers, others seafood dishes, and yet others by themselves as delightful summer picnic wine or aperitif.


4. Sweetness Levels of Cava:

Another style difference is its various levels of sweetness. What's called Brut Nature would have only up to 3 grams of sugar per litre of Cava wine, and when the sugar level increases to Extra Brut, it could include up to 6 grams of sugar per litre. Cava that has between 0 and 15 grams of sugar per litre is called Brut. The rest of the Cava has an increased sweetness level that most palates can detect. From low to high levels of sugar, these are Extra Dry, Dry, Semi-Dry and finally Sweet.

A bottle of beautiful Cava could be about €10. What a bargain to add sparkles to your life!



Written by: Bonny-Morgan Lin

About the author:

Bonny-Morgan Lin is the author of the book, "A Crash Course in Wine - 7 Days to Become a Wino". With WSET Certificate, and French Wine Instructor Certificate. Bonny is a passionate wine educator & personal wine coach through her wine tasting seminars and webinars.

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